Jessie At Home


Crochet Faster!

My mother is here visiting! Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while may remember that my mother works for DoDEA (Department of Defense Education Activity); basically, she teaches the children of enlisted personel and other personel on military bases around the world. Currently, she is stationed in Germany. This means my parents only make it back to the States over the summer, and I only get to see them for a short amount of that … Read more


Kindergarten Graduation!

I have a back log of photos to share with you. I am  doing my best to intersperse them with current and crafty posts. This evening, I have some fun photos of kindergarten graduation for you! I did my best to pare down the pictures, there were about 40 of them, and I managed to get it down to 17 photos and one video. Can you spot the photo where Vada is checking out her belly button? I swear, those … Read more

The story of Hexie

I have been doing some housecleaning on my blog. Trying to get all the photos stored in the right place, and lots of other technical “stuff” I had no clue about years ago. It has been fun looking through old posts, though this is going to take at least a week, if not two! So if you notice a few things looking wonky over the next week or two, you know it is just me futzing around! Anyway, if you … Read more



The girls are going to be 6 tomorrow. My how they have grown. We are having a small birthday party for them here at home. But it has still been quite the undertaking, as we did some work in the kitchen, and there is a lot of clean up to do. Plus baking and such. It takes time or money to make things happen, and we are low on the money front, so lots of time has gone into everything … Read more


Kitchen Fixes

This will be mostly photos tonight. It is after 1am (hey, happy 8th anniversary to Doug & me!) I just want to show you what I have been up to lately.

First, here are some snaps from a trip to Target we made the other day. The girls were having fun as you can see. *as always, if you hover your mouse over the photos, a little description will come up*


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Street fair wrap up

Consistency. I know, I need to be more consistent with my posts. As I said the other day, the stress of last few months is really getting to me; but don’t worry I’m not going anywhere. I will be working on the behind~the~scenes~stuff on my blog this summer. Basically making sure all the links go where they should (there is still some craziness from the move from Blogger to self~hosted WordPress,) and getting all my patterns in the correct directories, … Read more

Award - Top Blogger 2020 AFC


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Award Best Crochet Patterns 2018 I Like Crochet
Award - Crochet Blogger Award
award - I Like Crochet Designer
Award - best knitting patterns 2018 ILK
Award Top Blogger AFC 2018