Those nasty little pills our sweaters get are making Aunt Mitilda crazy! Here’s a review of the Gleener Ultimate Fuzz Remover to help her (& you) out.
The products reviewed in this post were provided by Gleener, all opinions are my own.
We all go crazy over those nasty little pills our sweaters get on them from wearing and washing, don’t we? Well, Gleener has some awesome products to fight those pills! I was lucky enough to get my hands on some of those products to review. Gleener was also kind enough to make us a discount code that will get you 15% off everything until Dec. 15th – get it in time for Christmas!
Just use the code above to get that awesome discount.
Now about those products. The Gleener Ultimate Fuzz Remover has 2 ends, one for the link brush, and one for the Edge. The Gleener has 3 Edges to choose from, depending on the type of fabric you are de-pilling – gotta love that they see the difference in wool and silk! Just choose the proper Edge, pop it on, and get rid of those nasty pills. Then clean up with the lint brush and you are ready to go. I really love this product.
There is also the Gleener on the Go, a compact version great for keeping in your bag (these make great stocking stuffers). When closed, one Edge and the lint brush are both exposed.
When you open it up, there are the other two Edges to switch out, and a little cheat sheet to remind you which Edge is which. It’s pretty nifty!
Gleener also carries a some other products, including some cute bags and Dryer Dots (those awesome dryer balls that do away with dryer sheets). Take a look at the website HERE, and don’t forget to use your discount code.
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