Jessie At Home


My projects.

I found the perfect yarn and made the perfect hexagon for my Fort Blanket project. Look at these pretty colors! After browsing around looking for patterns I saw a beautiful six petal flower that I knew would become the hexagon I was searching for. I took my hook in hand and experimented a bit. The finished hex was better than I had dreamed.


This is just a sneak peak of the hexes, there will be more crochet goodness later!

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Lookie what I found!!!

We had a nice long weekend. Doug was off today – no school. I took advantage of him being home and went out Saturday.
I was on a mission.

I had finally admitted that I do not play my keyboard often enough to justify it taking up valuable real estate in the bedroom. So it was gently packed up and put in the big ol’ closet in the girls’ room. Now I just needed to find some sort of storage/bookshelf/whatever to put in the keyboard’s old home. That way my sewing and craft supplies could finally make it out of the girls’ closet and into my bedroom.

Off to Target I went. They had some great, affordable bookshelves, but not affordable enough to buy them without further searching. Downhearted, I set off on my way home. Moments after pulling out of parking lot I came upon a garage sale, and saw this:

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Fort blanket!!!

So I had an idea the other day! The littles (26 month old twins) and I were sitting on the couch under an Afghan my Nana made. We were having a great time, but the fort was a bit small. So I thought I would like to make two granny square type blankets and stitch them together. That way we will have a BIG fort blanket, but as the girls get bigger I can separate the blankets and they can each have one. I don’t want squares, though. I’m thinking 6 sides (Hexagons).

I do know how to make hexagons, so now I just need to buy some fun yarn and come up with some pretty patterns. I want to do patterns with two or three colors, or non-open stitches. I don’t want tons  of holes other then the center and the corners. That being said, I do like this one, even with the holes.

So yesterday I tested out a hexagon I already knew how to make.


I wasn’t too keen on it. I think I will start off with the pattern I linked. I’ll test more after I buy the yarn on Monday.

The whole time I was crocheting, the twins were saying “hat, hat, hat?”. So this morning I transformed the hex into this:

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My morning. Could use work.

So I am giving this another shot. I need something to motivate me. I am hoping this will help. It makes me feel accountable to all my (imaginary) readers!

I had a slow start this morning. I did a very quick pick up of things that needed to be out of the reach of little hands. Later, this just amused me.


I don’t think that is really where the remotes and the pot holder go. Oh well. I hadn’t had my coffee yet. So off to the kitchen I went for my morning Joe.

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IVF and my experience

I’ve been meaning to write about my IVF experience for quite some time now, both for myself and for others who may want to know because they are or will be going through it. Please remember I am not a doctor, and I may be remembering things wrong or may have misunderstood some things that were explained to me. I will do my best to keep the medical “facts” correct, but I may just be wrong in some cases. OK, disclaimer done.
When my husband and I decided we may have a fertility problem I started asking around about fertility doctors and doing my research. We were so blessed! One of the best in the country, maybe even the world, was just 20 minutes away from us. People were flying in from other counties and we just had a short drive over. Even better – she took our insurance!

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