Jessie At Home


Philly ComiCon or Go Go Power Rangers!

After leaving the Yarn and Wine Tasting last week, we decided to take a little adventure. Doug had discovered that half way home we would be passing the Philly ComiCon, and the original Pink Ranger would be signing autographs! The girls LOVE the Power Rangers, and Kyla dressed as the Pink Ranger – her favorite – for Halloween this year. So you can imagine that it was pretty much decided immediately that we would stop at the ComiCon on the way home for an autograph and photo op!

Doug stealthily packed

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Vada’s New Room!

Well, after 4 years of home ownership, we finally renovated Vada’s room. I still need to make the curtains and a few decorative pillows, but otherwise, it’s done! (I may just go to Target and get some cheap curtains for now.)

This is how it all started. Can you see what it will look like?


We picked up some wood shapes, scrapbook paper, and Mod Podge and Vada and I made

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Holiday Coupon 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Holiday Coupon 2015

Hello my friends! Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m going to be spending some time with my family. After all, Jessie At Home came about as a way to keep in touch with my extended family, and to keep a history of my immediate family.

So, this will be my last post until Tuesday. That means no round up, pattern, or link blast. Everything resumes as normal (wait, we have normal?) on Tuesday. I hope you all are able to take some time to be with your loved ones as well.

As a thank you to you, my loyal readers, I have set up a coupon code on both Ravelry and Etsy. Use the code

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Today I am thankful for Doug’s Grandmother, Gertrude ~ Gertie to her friends.

The first time I met Doug’s family was for his Grandfather’s 89th birthday. Doug was very close to his grandfather, and he said he didn’t think his grandfather was going to be around for 90, so he wanted me to meet him. We had only been dating for about a month, and I met the whole family all at once. It was a little scary, but I had a nice time, and I really liked both his grandparents.

Doug was right, his grandfather didn’t see 90. Gertie came to most of the family functions with her son, Tom. I remember the first Easter I spent with them. Doug and I had been dating for almost a year at that point. Someone mentioned peeps, and I said the only thing they were good for was blowing up in the microwave. This intrigued Gertie. I told her that they expand in the microwave, and if you are careful you can stop the microwave before they explode and make a giant peep. This REALLY intrigued her. Alyson (Doug’s sister) and I went to the Wawa (like 7-11) and bought some peeps. 

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Due to unforeseen circumstances, this month’s free knit pattern will be posted tomorrow ~ Saturday, November 5th. Sometimes life happens, thank you for understanding. Here is a peek of the back side of tomorrow’s pattern as it is blocking. ©Copyright 2015 Jessie Rayot / Jessie At Home All my videos, patterns and posts are my own work. Do not copy them in any way. If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post. If … Read more

Mice and Men

You know what they say about the best laid plans… I was planning on sharing all the details on the Twisted and Twirled MCAL / MKAL e~books with you today. However… There was the home improvement disaster… Followed by the never~ending unplanned studio reno… And my regular blog schedule to keep up, including new patterns every Thursday… Plus my future Sister~In~Law who is marrying Doug’s little brother on Saturday needed me to fix her wedding dress this weekend (pictures after the … Read more


Busy, busy, busy

Hello friends! I feel like we haven’t chatted in a long time. I’ve posted patterns and product reviews and round ups and such, but no chatting. Things have been very busy for me lately. We left on June 30th to go visit my parents in Sicily, and we just got back late on July 15th. It was a lot of fun, but I got rather behind in my schedule. So I have been working hard to catch up. The rest … Read more

Love Wins

Over the past year or so I have done my best to keep politics off my blog. Today, I am so happy that I have to break that rule. Though honestly, I don’t see it as politics as much as I see it as celebrating the fact that EVERY American now has the right to LOVE.

Today is a day I will never forget. I just had a conversation with my daughters explaining why today is so important. They were so happy to know that every person in the USA now has the right to marry the person they love, and to have all the rights that come with that marriage. I did my best to explain some of those rights in terms that almost~8~year~olds could understand. Things like hospital visitation/medical decisions and family healthcare.

Today, everything else seems so small and insignificant. Today is a celebration of love. Today is beautiful. Today is important. Today, love wins.

I want to share my brother’s Facebook status with you, because I love what he said. He is awesome! You can check him out here.

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Camporee !!

This weekend was the Girl Scout Camporee for our Service Unit. The girls had a blast. I could go on for quite some time about it, but in an attempt to not write the longest post in blogging history, I will just share some snaps and tell you a bit about each. Please pardon some of the fuzzy photos. I was too paranoid to bring my good camera, so all these snaps were taken with my phone.


The girls and I were the first in our troop to arrive.

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